peacecamp 2018
Assignment for the Workshop “LIFE STORY BOOK”
• Please bring your personal REAL, not virtual (not on your cell phone or any other electronic device!) life story book with photos, documents and texts about your family and origins. You may want to show us a poem, a song, an anecdote about your personal family/ family members. You may want to make a family tree, or bring drawings, pictures or any other objects or documents portraying your family members, their countries of origins, languages spoken in your family, etc. Please bring ONE PERSONAL OBJECT that symbolizes your personal link to your family or to a particular family member.
Each group is requested to prepare a culture evening meant to convey in a joyful, creative, amusing, informative way what is special about their group. Feel free to create a picture of your own country/culture with all its particular features. You may want to bring/show us bits of music, art, literature, history, geography, important places, popular modes of entertainment, food – anything that belongs to your own country/culture that you identify with and are proud of.
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dear participants
please send us a foto and a short description of yourself, including a statement of your motivation to join peacecamp 2018: what do you want do do/experence/learn here? What will you contribute to the peacecamp experience?
This will appear in this blog under "meet participants" and "team members"
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4 questions4peace
before peacecamp 2018
( Please complete this form on the computer!)
First & family name __________________________________________________
Birth date (DD/MM/YY) ____/____/____ o male o female
School ______________________________________________________________
Participant of peacecamp 2018: o yes o no
Please answer briefly (in two to three sentences) each of the following questions – and give only your personal opinion!
1\. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
2\. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
3\. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
4\. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
Date: __________________
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