Sunday, 25. March 2018
Meet Mónika Balázs, Hungarian delegation

Hello, my name is Balázs Mónika, but everybody calls me Móni. I'm an 18 years old girl from the capital of Hungary, Budapest. Unfortunately I haven't got any siblings, so I just live with my parents and with our dog. The first thing that makes me happy is to play with my pet, but nowadays he is very tired because of his age, so it is not very common.
I love everything which comes to art, so I usually read books, poems and I visit different museums and theatres or cinemas and of course I love talking about with my friends.
My other hobby is travelling, and I'm very lucky and as I’ve visited many different countries. I hardly save my earned money for my next trips.
In my opinion the Peace Camp is very important for our generation, because in these days too, there are wars and attacks around then world, so we must talk about them. I want to take part in this project because it is a great opportunity to experience other cultures and make friends with students abroad.
